Proceeding with a Dialysis Lawsuit

SuniHave you ever been in a difficult situation when all your hopes for great medical care have been turned to dust? Apparently, most patients that have received either GranuFlo or NaturaLyte from Fresenius have experienced such difficult situations and they have suffered from the negative side effects of the elevated bicarbonate converting ingredients within these drugs. As a result, a lot of heart issues could emerge, such as a stroke or a heart attack or cardiopulmonary arrest, as well as low blood pressure in general. What can a patient who has experienced such brutal side effects do in order to claim his rights?

Well, the answer is pretty simple and straightforward. The only thing that a patient can do is to contact the experts in a law firm and file a GranuFlo lawsuit. There have been hundreds of such lawsuits filed over time, due to the frustration and the disappointment that comes along with the negligence on behalf of the manufacturers. Of course, they have recalled these two medications, both the powder and the liquid. Nonetheless, for the existing victims there has been no care whatsoever. So, a dialysis lawsuit seems like the best way to go in order to claim what you are entitled. Obviously, both the medical expenses that you have been put through and compensation for the whole mess that you have suffered need to be covered by the manufacturers. There is no alternative than to pay for all the money that you have had to pay, since they cannot offer anything else in return.

All in all, a dialysis lawsuit can lead to a fruitful settlement and to the taking care of the bills from the hospitals, the clinics and the additional medications that have been needed so far in your case, due to such severe negligence.

GranuFlo Lawsuit and Claiming Your Rights

SuniIf you or somebody dear to you have been suffering from the negative side effects of dialysis over time, then it is high time you did something about it. It is true that both GranuFlo and NaturaLyte have been medications with high levels of ingredients that convert bicarbonate within the body. As a result, when they have been used to patients with kidney failure, the results have been devastating. Heart issues and low blood pressure have been more than frequent concerns for those patients and this is why Fresenius (the manufacturers) have been accused of severe negligence and lack of the proper backing up in research.

If you want to fight against such negligence, you have to contact a law firm and discuss with them about your legal rights. You can even get a free evaluation of your case, so that you know in advance if you are eligible to claim something in return for what you have been put through. It goes without even saying that there is nothing that can help you out regain your health state and undo the harm that you have suffered from. However, even in such a case you should not give up on your rights. On the contrary, you ought to make sure that the people who have been responsible for these very medications are sentenced and thus justice has been served. After all, it is comforting to know that due to your own actions a patient will be treated much better and will not face the same problems as you in the future.

In conclusion, GranuFlo lawsuit should be filed in all cases when such medications have led to significant health issues and side effects. Contact an experienced lawyer in order to get started and organize your fight in the best manner.